Rome Boys is a Catholic Show with Tony the Theologian, Chris the Entrepreneur and Joe the Farmer as your hosts. We take a topic and discuss it from three different perspectives. Tony has a BA and MA in Theology and taught 11 years. Chris has had success in a variety of jobs throughout his career. (Gold’s Gym, UPS, Nursing Home Admin, etc..) Joe has farmed most of his life, teaches CCD/RCIA, is our tech guy and is a natural comedian. Tony is married with 7 children. Chris is married with 6 children. Joe is married with 5 children. In other words, if you have leftovers you want to get rid of, send them to us! Like and Share our videos and be sure to subscribe to our YouTube Channel! God Bless you!

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Baffled By The Bible?

Sunday Mar 28, 2021

Sunday Mar 28, 2021

On this episode we continue our Faith Formation Series as we dive into Sacred Scripture! T
o Donate to Rome Boys click here:

Friday Mar 26, 2021

Thursday Mar 25, 2021

That's right ladies and gentlemen, we had the pleasure of interviewing Teresa Tomeo. Join us on this episode as we discuss her new book "Listening For God", the world in general, the media and more. Stay informed with her program "Catholic Connection" each morning on EWTN radio.
You can find more of Teresaat:
To Donate to Rome Boys click here:

Wednesday Mar 24, 2021

On this Episode we are joined by Bishop Joseph Stickland from the Diocese of Tyler Texas!
Join us as we talk about, pro-life, the Eucharist, Mary, Marriage, Family and More!!!!

Tuesday Mar 23, 2021

On this episode Catholic Convert Steve Ray explains some similarities and differences between Protestants and Catholics. Authority, Mary, the Eucharist and much more!
Check out more of Steve Ray on his website:

Monday Mar 22, 2021

On this episode we interview Steve Ray! Join us as we discuss Faith, Family, The Church and much More.....

Saturday Mar 20, 2021

On this episode the Rome Boys sit down with speaker and author Jesse Romero to talk about his New Book '' A Catholic Vote For Trump". Jesse Romero is a longtime Catholic evangelist and a retired veteran of the Los Angeles county sheriff's department. He holds an undergraduate degree from Mount Saint Mary's College in Los Angeles and a graduate degree in Catholic Theology from Franciscan University of Steubenville. He speaks frequently around the country and is the popular host of two radio show. Jesse is the author of several books including "Catholics Wake Up!", "Be a Spiritual Warrior" and his most recent book "A Catholic Vote For Trump".
To learn more about Jesse and his mission, visit

Friday Mar 19, 2021

We interview Patrick Novecosky, about his new book "100 ways John Paul ll Changed the World. We discuss JP ll's work of evangelization, his prayer life, relationship with our Blessed Mother, and so much more!
"We must prepare ourselves to suffer great trials before long. .... With your and my prayer, it is possible to mitigate this tribulation, but it is no longer possible to avert it, because only thus can the Church be effectively renewed. ...We must be strong and prepared, and trust in Christ and His Mother, and be very, very assiduous in praying the Rosary." - 95 End Times page 27
Find more of about Patrick:

Friday Mar 19, 2021

Jason gives us straight answers on a variety of topics for both teens and parents: Dating, the culture, pornography, contraception, "gay marriage" and more!
You can find more about Jason and his ministry at

Thursday Mar 18, 2021

On this episode we talk vocations and more with Fr. Ryan Rojo!
You can find more of what Father does on his media pages:
Instagram: frryanrojo

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